About Us
Learn about the project partners that worked together to develop this bed bug educational course.

California Department of Pesticide Regulation
The California Department of Pesticide Regulation, DPR or CDPR, is one of the six departments of the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA). The mission of DPR is to protect human health and the environment by regulating pesticide sales and use, and by fostering reduced-risk pest management. DPR promotes the adoption and implementation of effective IPM systems and practices that reduce risks from pesticide use to human health and the environment in agricultural and non-agricultural settings. Projects funded by the Alliance Grant Program support those goals through collaboration (alliances) among commodity group representatives, growers, pest control advisors, and businesses, university researchers, pesticide industry representatives, conservation agencies, non-governmental organizations, sustainability certification programs, and other groups.
For more information visit the contact page

University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program
The University of California’s Integrated Pest Management Program (UC IPM), part of the University of California’s Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) provides applied research and education about pests and pest management in California.
The Urban Integrated Pest Management Program in the San Francisco Bay Area, led by Dr. Andrew Sutherland, focuses on key urban pests in urban and suburban communities.
For more information visit the contact page.

California Apartment Association
The California Apartment Association is the nation’s largest statewide trade group representing owners, investors, developers, managers and suppliers of rental homes and apartment communities. Our staff — based in Sacramento and with strategic hubs throughout California — includes experts in rental housing law, legal analysts, state and local lobbyists, member-service representatives and media-outreach specialists. For more than 80 years, CAA has served rental home and apartment owners and managers through tireless work in public affairs, education and customer service.
We represent the ethical members of the rental housing industry in all aspects of government affairs within the state of California, and we provide information, products and services which contribute to the success of their businesses.
For more information visit the contact page.

Pestec specializes in structural Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and specifically pests of public health importance. Our mission is to discover, develop and deliver the best services to improve the places we live and work.
Our services promote proper building maintenance and public health by directly suppressing and preventing disease vectors, pests, and their underlying causes. We work through transparency and purpose to mutually benefit pest management stakeholders, your community, and our planet. It is our belief that continual improvement requires the co-evolution of our stakeholders and community.
To achieve this end Pestec works with various government agencies, non-profits, and academic institutions to pilot demonstration projects intending to advance the adoption of IPM practices and programs.
For more information visit the contact page.